Cyber Security Manga

Posted by fmadio | 100G Ethernet

Cyber Security Manga!

  • bpf counter title graphic

This was just too cool, how often does Cyber cross with Japanese Manga?

The FMADIO Packet Capture team visited JPCERT ( a few weeks back, its bit like the Japanese version of CERT, government backed response unit. Some awesome guys there and they had this very cool manga poster in the lobby. Just had to take a picture of and share.

Cyber Security Manga

As you can probably guess, its an anti-phishing like poster, warning ppl is the website your connecting to really the correct site? Stop and think if something looks suspicious. For cyber, the vast majority of entry points into a network is from spear phishing malicious URLs or documents to less informed users... of which there are many. Its great to see Japanese government putting more awareness on this subject!

Translation is:

Is this website safe?

The website I found out must be safe.

Cat: 根拠はない!
There is no guarantee!

Cat: ほっ本当に安全!?? 立ち止まって考えよう!
Is it really a safe website? STOP and THINK!

Cat slaps Man, Poowah!

...turns out it was a huge publicity campaign and posted at many of the subway stations in Tokyo!

Cyber Security Manga