The Network Is DOWN

Posted by fmadio | 100G Ethernet

Oh no, the network is down! Help!

  • the network is down

Ever have one of those days? Person(s) on the other end of the phone/email/conference desk repeatedly claims "the network is down", "the network is slow", and that computer coffee cup holder is broken. Clearly they are the expert and its so easy to fix. Like the on-ramp to the freeway... just go faster.. its the information superhighway way after all... right?

We have all been there, in the trenches everyone claims its someone else`s problem that needs to be fixed urgently. Luckily FMADIO 10G 40G 100G Packet Capture! So you can prove with 100% confidence those SYN packets are going though, or its the customer sending RST pkts or those packets never make it though the firewall or ... or ...

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the network is down

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